Publisher: The New York Entomological Society

Entomologica Americana, the journal of The New York Entomological Society, publishes original research on the taxonomy, classification, phylogeny, biogeography, behavior and natural history of insects and other arthropod taxa. Manuscripts are published as research articles, shorter scientific notes or book reviews.
Print ISSN: 1947-5136
Online ISSN: 1947-5144
Current: Dec 2023 : Volume 129 Issue 1
BioOne Member Since: 2001
Frequency: Irregular
Impact Factor: 0.3
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: ENTOMOLOGY 103/109
Journal Citation Indicator: 0.17
Online ISSN: 1947-5144
Current: Dec 2023 : Volume 129 Issue 1
BioOne Member Since: 2001
Frequency: Irregular
Impact Factor: 0.3
Journal Citation Reports® Ranking: ENTOMOLOGY 103/109
Journal Citation Indicator: 0.17